Thursday, October 7, 2010

My first interview experience in class

Today I did an interview with my 2 classmate: Heqiu and Hailey.  As expected, I interviewed one from China, and one from the US.  With different cultural background, I learn that they have different kind of approaching people when they interview and be interviewed.  I also learnt from them that being different cultural doesn't meant it's hard to talk or connected to, or to express yourself to others culture, but it's an advantage for you to approach to the interviewee's culture.  The best way to have a good, smooth and clear conversation is that asking question to the interviewee.  Because the interviewee maybe doesn't speak good, or fluent in English, you have to explain, give example for them to make them feel comfortable answering the questions.

I have a lot of fun during the first interview with my 2 classmates, because I get to experience more of the real conversation between interview and interviewee.  I think I will make sure to research more a liltle bit about the question, make it connected with each others so the "real" interview will go even more better.

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